Ledger Live App*

The Ledger Live Web App for desktop offers a robust and intuitive interface, providing users with a unified dashboard to manage their crypto assets securely. Users can effortlessly view their portfoli

Setting Up Ledger Live

Open Ledger Live

Once your Ledger device is initialized, open the Ledger Live app on your computer or mobile device.

Select "Get Started"

On the Ledger Live welcome screen, select "Get Started." You will be prompted to set up a new Ledger device or restore an existing one.

Set Up New Device

Choose the option to set up a new Ledger device. Follow the on-screen instructions to pair your Ledger device with the Ledger Live app.

Add Accounts

Ledger Live will guide you through adding cryptocurrency accounts to your Ledger device. Select the cryptocurrencies you want to manage and follow the prompts to add them to your Ledger Live portfolio.

Managing Your Assets

View Account Balances

In the Ledger Live app, you can view the balances of your added cryptocurrency accounts. The app provides a clear overview of your portfolio, including the value of your assets and recent transactions.

Send and Receive Funds

To send or receive cryptocurrencies, navigate to the account you want to manage and select "Send" or "Receive." Follow the on-screen instructions to complete your transactions securely.

Check Transaction History

Ledger Live keeps a record of all your transactions, making it easy to track your activity and monitor your account balances over time.

Security Best Practices

Secure Your Recovery Phrase

Keep your recovery phrase safe and never share it with anyone. It's the only way to recover your wallet if your Ledger device is lost or damaged.

Enable Passphrase (Optional)

For added security, you can enable a passphrase on your Ledger device. This creates an additional layer of protection for your accounts.

Regularly Update Firmware and Software

Keep your Ledger device firmware and Ledger Live app updated to ensure you have the latest security features and bug fixes.


By following these steps, you can set up your Ledger device using the Ledger Live app and start managing your cryptocurrency assets securely. Ledger Live provides a user-friendly interface and robust security features to help you safeguard your digital assets. Welcome to the world of secure cryptocurrency management with Ledger!

Last updated